Opinion Letters

Student Vouchers Aren’t Working. Here’s Why

Yet, overall, private schools are actually no more effective, and often less so, than public schools. Indeed, our own research indicates that any apparent advantages for students in private schools are actually more a reflection of the fact that private schools do a better job of attracting—not producing—high-scoring students.

By Christopher Lubienski & Sarah Theule Lubienski

Where’s the ambition for education? – Lexington-Herald Editorial Board

Using local taxes for charter schools is a bad idea, especially for Northern Kentucky – Brent Cooper, president, C-Forward

We don’t blame doctors, why teachers? – Beanie Geoghegan, Louisville

Nix charter school plan – Deborah Flomenhoft, Lexington

Whoa, Ky. going wrong way on charters – Jeanne Allen, founder and CEO of the Center for Education Reform.

All Charter School Bills Are Bad – Ed Hensley, Louisville

Special needs must be considered – Laura Rothstein, professor and a Distinguished University Scholar at the University of Louisville Brandeis School of Law.

Charters ravage like locusts – Gay Adelmann, parent, co-founder Save Our Schools KY

Charters: Beware the Trojan horse – Linda Allewalt, Shelbyville

Special needs must be considered – Laura Rothstein, professor and a Distinguished University Scholar at the University of Louisville Brandeis School of Law.

Are Charter Schools Good for Estill County?

Opposition to HB151 and HB103 – Deanna Ferreira, parent

Charter Schools, Then Charter Police? – Marty Solomon, retired University of Kentucky Professor

Charter schools won’t only impact larger cities

Fund schools we have – Jessica Bennett, student

Ky. falls in lockstep with Koch agenda – Ron Formisano, retired history professor and author of “Plutocracy in America: How Increasing Inequality Destroys the Middle Class and Exploits the Poor” (Johns Hopkins University, 2015).

No to charter schools – Jennifer Caravello, Lexington Teacher

Invest in public schools – Matt Wyatt, Elizabethtown School Board Chair

Charter schools drain funding from already stretched public schools – Cynthia Resor, Lancaster

Kentucky should resist the phony promise of charter schools – Wilson Sears, former superintendent of Somerset Independent Schools and former executive director of the Kentucky Association of School Superintendents.

Charters debate needs to address accountability – Brent McKim, JCTA

Former teacher blasts charter schools – Ava-Margeaux Tierney

Thoughts on Charter Schools – David Jones, Jr., Former JCPS Board Chair

Dear JCPS offers its school board choices – Gay Adelmann, co-founder Dear JCPS and Save Our Schools KY

Charters are not the answer, Gov. Bevin – Annalee Abell, teacher