Support SBDM Councils

On Monday, August 28, at the 1:00 PM Joint House and Senate Education Committee meeting in Williamsburg, Kentucky, there will be presentations for and against School-Based Decision Making Councils. Ronda Harmon, KASC executive director, a council parent, and a principal will be there to share the history and benefits of school councils. Some legislators believe that council authority should be taken away and superintendents should make all major school decisions (more details below).

We have to let the legislators know that the best decisions are made at the local level by parents, teachers, and principals.

We need people in the audience to demonstrate support for school councils. Or if you can’t attend, make your voice heard by contacting the education committee leaders. Here’s how:


Before Monday, August 28
Send each of the Education Committee Chairs a message in support of councils. Some examples include:

  • The voice of parents, teachers, and principals is needed for the best decisions.
  • School councils are making a difference for students. Protect our voice.
  • Protect the important role of parents, teachers, and principals in decision-making in our school.
  • The school councils make our schools better. Protect our authentic voice.

Senator Mike Wilson
Senate Education Committee Chair
502-564-8100 Ext. 717

Representative John Carney
House Education Committee Chair
Annex: 502-564-8100 Ext. 660

If you live close enough to Williamsburg, attend the meeting. You won’t be asked to speak; just be in the audience.

Monday, August 28, 2017
1:00 to 1:45 PM (SBDM section should be over by 1:45; the full meeting 3:00)
University of the Cumberlands, Williamsburg, KY
Grace Crum Rollins Fine Arts Center in the Kohn Theatre

Supporters will be:

  • asked to wear royal blue
  • given an SBDM badge at 12:45 PM outside the theatre by KASC staff
  • recognized as a group at the August 28 meeting

Please email Ruth Morrison with KASC to let her know you will attend.

Directions to University of the Cumberlands

University of the Cumberlands is located off Exit 11 on Interstate 75. At the end of the exit ramp, turn left if you traveled south on I-75 (from Frankfort); turn right if you traveled north on I-75. At the first traffic light, turn left onto 10th Street (KY 2386).

Travel on 10th Street past the Cumberland Inn (on the left) and the football stadium (on the right) until the street dead ends. At the dead end/traffic light, turn right onto Main Street (KY296). As you proceed down Main Street, turn right into the main campus entrance. Continue through one stop sign and a roundabout. At the second roundabout/stop sign, turn left. As soon as you make that turn, reserved parking will be available in the lots on the right. The Grace Crum Rollins Fine Arts Center is located across the street from the parking lot.

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