Recently, the Kentucky Chamber overstepped their bounds when they came out behind the Governor’s plan to overhaul the pensions and rob hundreds of thousands of valued educators, police, state workers, and more, of benefits they already earned! They not only appear to have grossly miscalculated the cost of the pension overhaul, they also have miscalculated the impacts that pensioners have on the local economy.
Many local chambers likely do not agree with this stance, and in fact we know of one that has come out in opposition. We need to encourage more local chambers to do the same, and until they have a reason to, many don’t want to risk their political capital. So, let’s make sure they get how this bill will negatively impact them.
We encourage those who shop locally (and who doesn’t?) to print off a stack of these cards and leave them behind with the clerk or manager every time you make a purchase. Include them with your bill payments that you send in the mail. Leave them at the dry cleaner, the hair dresser, the doctor, the grocery store. This Saturday is Small Business Saturday, and presents an opportune time to use this platform to raise awareness with local retailers about how much business they stand to lose if your pensions are gutted.

Please also help us get this message out on Twitter using the hashtag #PensionsMeanBusiness. We will be conducting a twitter storm on Nov. 30 from 8:00 – 9:00 pm and you can find a list of legislators’ twitter handles here. You can also sign up for our Thunderclap here. Tag your favorite local retailers and chamber members, as well. Help them understand that if we don’t find funding to keep the pension promise, service employees will have less discretionary income, and that means less business from hundreds of thousands of their customers. Fully funding the pensions means continued business for local merchants.
Let them know #PensionsMeanBusiness. And so do we!
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