UPDATE: Over 1,000 books for children of all ages, and adults too, were delivered to Eastern Kentucky on October 22, 2022 to a crowd of excited recipients. We had book readings from local authors and food and refreshment. A great time was had by all. Thank you to everyone who donated, volunteered and participated! A special thanks to G Perry Adelmann for JCPS School Board’s Campaign for organizing the caravan!

Previous post:
Our friends in Louisville just launched a Book and School Supply Drive for Eastern Kentucky schools that lost books in the recent floods. The drive runs until Oct. 11 at 4:00 PM (the exact same deadline as registering to vote).
Education is an act of resistance.
There are groups, funded by outside dark money, spreading disingenuous information about what’s being taught in public schools.
This is a anti-privatization initiative.
This is a GOTV initiative.
If you would like to add your drop off locations to the post or join us in the caravan, please send an email to moderator@saveourschoolsky.org.
If you are a teacher or librarian and would like to request donated books, please send an email to moderator@saveourschoolsky.org.