On March 28, 2019, the last day of Kentucky’s General Assembly1, a plan was hatched that would result in JCTA-endorsed Senator, Julie Raque Adams, throwing JCTA members and JCPS students and taxpayers under the proverbial bus.
The masterminds, participants, and exact details behind this plan are anyone’s guess. But the fact that she did so is undeniable, and the long-lasting harmful impacts on Jefferson County Public School students and stakeholders are immeasurable.

We began the day with a Rally in the Rotunda at 10 am.
Speakers from Save Our Schools Kentucky addressed the harmful legislation still in play, including the confirmation of Gary Houchens to the Kentucky Board of Education. Gary was a director for EdChoice, a vocal proponent and gaslighter for vouchers. In Kentucky, the Senate confirms the Governor’s appointments to boards and committees, and Governor Bevin intentionally waited until after session ended in 2018 so a voucher mastermind could serve on the Kentucky Board of Education for a full year before facing possible rejection.
Because the Senate had not yet voted on any of the appointments, the last day of session was the deadline. We knew we still had a chance to stop it in the Senate and that was our primary mission that day. Shortly before noon, our small gathering migrated to the staircase at the base of the Senate Chamber, posters in hand, to lobby Senators as they entered the Chamber.
Once in position, I started a livestream and spoke to a few Senators as they were going up the stairs, including my own Senator, Julie Raque Adams, who would not answer my questions about how she intended to vote that day. I handed my phone to another parent and went back downstairs to finish cleaning up.

Read the entire story here: JCPS Teachers, You’re Being Hoodwinked!